At the Stone Fabricators Alliance second annual Mega Workshop, the board of directors announced a few changes.

Matt Lansing of Stone Innovations, Plover, WI, was named as successor to Dan Riccolo of Morris Granite, Morris, IL, as the executive director. Dan Riccolo remains an active member of the board, spearheading many of the programs and workshops.

Matt Lansing is a founding member of the SFA and has been on the board of directors in the past and held many positions in the not for profit organization since the inception of the SFA.

Michael Dean, of The Top Shop Inc., London, Ontario and Jean Marie Schneider of Custom Marble & Granite, Butler, PA, have both been appointed to the board of directors of the SFA. The duties of the board of directors includes creating policy and guiding the international organization to future growth through education in the stone industry.

In 2012, the SFA will have four hands-on workshops at members’ shops. The first was held March 7-9 at Ageless Stoneworks, Inc. in Houston, TX. The next will be at Perfection Connection, June 21-23 in Carson City, NV, then at Custom Marble and Granite, August 15-18 in Butler, PA, and the season finale will be in the convention center in Nashville TN, October 10 - 12, 2012.
For more information on the workshops, visit

About SFA
The Stone Fabricators Alliance (SFA) a non-profit organization, governed and organized solely by volunteers, and offers an online forum and workshops around the country. The mission of the SFA is to advance the stone industry through education and continually raise the bar for stone fabrication. To visit their website and learn more about the SFA please log on at